My dad doesn t like me reddit. But there is a feeling I can't seem to shrug off.

My dad doesn t like me reddit. He doesn’t want anything to do with me.

…. It doesn't even feel like he's my dad. She never contacts me, I don't call her, and when my dad passes away I doubt I will ever see her again. Unfortunately, he always judge me even though he doesn't know how things are because he doesn't live with me. It's putting stress on my life, and in my relationships with my family and SO. My moms dad hated my dad, but grew to love him. He doesn’t know anything about me anymore because he refuses to talk about anything that doesn’t interest him. Those eyes reflect a brain that thinks that I can’t possibly do anything good. I looked and did not find my son till he was 26. I think what really overwhelmed me is the fact that he doesn’t know anything about me, I know I’m a kind and loving person, and I understand completely where he’s coming from but I really hope I can build up a strong rapport with him because I really like my girlfriend. i have 2 cats one of them is 3 and as a kitten he was my little man he would follow me around the house and did everything with me. This women… Ever since I was about 10,my dad didn’t really interact with me. When I asked my dad if he remembered this, he denied remembering it at all. Yesterday I met my girlfriend’s family for the first time and I think it went well with everyone but her dad. But I always So my dad, I think, is looking at my husband with a harsh eye, because he sees my husband’s fun trips because those make great photos. K and I DO NOT get along at all. Only mainly monetary matters. Those eyes see me as strange. I think my dad doesn’t like me. Like she is supposed to help me, but I feel like she (non therapist side) doesn't like me as a person. he also sometimes sleeps on my bed but at the end of the bed farthest away from me. Didn’t like that my job had me working full time. My dad stopped trying to have a relationship with me and my children when he got remarried. The worst thing is, he doesn’t feel like an actual father. TLDR; My dad hates the fact that I want to get married. She would say the odd thing that my father would hear with annoyance. He’s never physically hurt me (in my memory, at least), but after my mother died he locked himself away in his grief and never came back out. He’d also end up blaming me for starting the arguments (yelling) when he was “just talking. He made me unclog the toilet with the tool I needed to learn how to use just because he didn’t want to do it. Feb 14, 2023 · Understanding your feelings and processing them can help you manage them in healthy ways. so they will say things like “i don’t love you anymore,” “i want a new mom/dad”, even “i hope you die”, and have little understanding of the permanence of these ideas. Took me until my mid-40's to "get it" that she just doesn't like me and I should stop trying to get her to like me, let alone love me. You feel a bit awkward or uncomfortable when you are alone with your father. I don’t know what I did to make him so angry. We found out 3 years ago he had been cheating on my mom for almost all of their 26 year marriage. I get the holiday texts but that’s it. Her relationship with her mom is definitely better though. It all started when my grandmother started living with us after her husband died a year ago. He doesn’t like that I don’t talk ‘like a girl’. i definitely know what you mean about the grad school thing— i’ve had to explain many terms many times and i think they still don’t know, lol. 2. Now every time I try and come near him he just runs away and it makes me upset. I thought maybe it was because I took her daughter away, but my girlfriend's mom told me that my dad has been saying really sexual stuff about me to her dad. My husband wants to be a present father who shares custody and expenses, I supported him and I want to be a good stepdad. true. Growing up, my dad was an alcoholic and my mom treated me like her therapist/friend and always came to me crying and for advice. He doesn’t communicate, he doesn’t show his emotions, he doesn’t discuss a topic with me like he does with his My parents divorced when I was 5 and I hated my mothers new husband because my kid mind made it seem like he’s the reason my parents aren’t together. When I was young, I'd do everything he says and I always said I liked everything he liked because I idolized him. My parents also act like mental health is a joke. My exes family fucked me over and she never had my back (one of the main reasons our relationship failed). You feel that your dad doesn’t actually know the The plan was sold to me as a low-stress, happy affair: family members would fly / drive to my neck of the woods and stay in a vacay rental so as not to overwhelm my wife and me by packing houseguests to the rafters. Since I was a child, he has constantly makes me feel like every choice I make is ridiculous and extremely stupid & that only his guidance will allow me to be successful in life. It's like he likes to see me at such a low point, and only then can he change his demeanor to be calm and understanding. He left me on read. When I bought my car he completely override my choice. He would make no effort to be in anyone's life. So, a full-on family reunion, but chill and low maintenance for me and my wife. Her mom has never asked her why she doesn’t like me and I feel like if she did my daughter would either shut it down or wouldn’t respond. But my girlfriend’s brother is ALSO dating an Atheist, so maybe she just wants some Catholic in-law. This article explores some of the reasons why you might hate your father, the impact of these feelings, and some strategies that can help you cope. I have never related to something more. (Basically, I am a workaholic/homebody who doesn’t have much of a life. But he doesn’t see how hard my husband works (like 60-80 hrs a week). I’m a 20 year old and I attend online college just cause I didn’t want my parents to be lonely cause my siblings moved out nearly 8 years ago I’m a pretty talkative person, have been since I was a child and my parents are reserved. My girlfriend left when she was pregnant, she hid my son from me. Means she doesn't like her rn. Both parents absent in my years of growing up, moderate contact. None of my parents told me the reason of divorce. And ofc it doesnt stop there, i have listened to his discussions wth ppl when im out wth my familly, and everytime he talks about me, its to say bad stuff about me about my grades or anything else i do, for exemple, i can code in all common languages, my dream is to become a game develloper, but my dad tells everybody that im not the one coding my (21F) boyfriend’s (22M) dad doesn’t like me at all, and i don’t know what to do about it. She never wants to spend time with me, like I said she doesn’t want to do anything. A couple of months ago, we found out that my husband has another child (9M) (he had no idea of). I’ve personally had difficulty developing a relationship as he’s gotten older. Those eyes hurt me, but you think I’m too dumb to see. If I were you, I'd ask him to sit down with you (alone) and discuss everything that's hurting you, why it's hurting you and what you would like to change. Lovely. just continues on with what he was saying, after a pause like i’m not even there. Our relationship is so torn that we can’t even have a real conversation and I just choose to stay in my room to avoid him. I just walk away from him. Now that being said, my son owes me nothing, and you owe your father I'm a 15 year old girl and I've been having issues with my father for almost my entire life. I wasn’t hurting myself or thinking about about hurting myself. He's been a present but absent father for most of my life. When people tell me "You're like your dad was when he was your age" or "You look like your dad", I take it as an insult and try to change whatever it is that reminded them of him. I never had contact or anything with my bio dad, and my dad definitely sees me as his son. Terrible human my whole life would literally ditch me over anything. i don’t want to be disrespectful or disregard his wishes but i’m really tired of having to keep changing my style and what We think the same, we reason the same, our personalities are very similar. my other cat stopped liking me stopped My dad is like this. My dad told me “lift with your legs” and I snapped a little bit (more than I This event has really made me question what I want my relationship with my dad to look like going forward. Without it, my parents have made it very clear that they would not support me or give me any kind of pocket money to get a bus to see my friends or to treat myself. I'm not the only one he's done this to, he did it to my brothers and sister as well, but for some reason, they've forgiven him and have a good relationship with him. hello ! i’m a teenager girl who needs some advice on something. So I was abducted kinda last December and I was missing from my family so they were really missing me but since I got back my mom has been making me sleep in the same bed as her or in the same room cause I’ve been having nightmares and stuff but my dad hasn’t really said too much about what happened other than he’s happy I am I'm in my early 20s but I guess that doesn't matter, my age doesn't change the fact that he doesn't like me. . It will happen for you too. it only reminds me of my teen years, and I’ll never forget her saying she wishes she could give me away, but nobody wants me. My mom works 5 days a week, cleans, takes care of my grandma, and watches tv. And number four, I’ve heard him shit talk about me behind my back about my interests or calls me stupid and incompetent. My dad has anger issues so it wasn't just a small outburst. I care for my Dad, I love him, but haven't had a deep, genuine relationship with him since I left for college because he won't The relationship is between you and your boyfriend. My fathers Fiancée and I are not on good terms because of things I just realized that my brother doesn't love me & wants nothing to do with me. Not for opinions, not for relationship advice, and not for preaching. But I feel like since I’ve grown up and become a human with my own thoughts, my dad doesn’t care about any of them. That's it, right? He doesn't love me? Bear in mind I have a child - his only biological grandchild. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The reason we stopped fighting is because i stopped talking to him all together. My dad has been dating “K” for 3 years now and a couple of months ago proposed. The Way he's to me is different i dont wanna grow up, im afraid, i feel like the more i grow the more i drift from him. I love the sort of games like Fo4 where there's exploration, base building and survival aspects. Bizarrely there a family story about how my mother succeeded in throwing loads of old family photos out of my dad’s family after they got married, and it caused a huge rift in my dad’s family. And my husband is not one to talk about work. Just make sure your boyfriend has your back at the end of the day. I am 40 and it is like I speak a different language. My mum hate violence and so doesn't want me doing violent games. I think they are just old or don't care sometimes. She has never disrespected the professional boundaries. He doesn’t feel like a dad. Ikr, my parents found my porn when I was 12, it was not porn, it was more like painting of women in classical settings (renaissance) or even just some cartoon nude work from the 50s, but they didn't do what they did to my sister, thankfully, however now yt is locked for me :/ Mar 19, 2021 · Toxic patterns vary from person to person, but there are a few textbook characteristics to look out for. here is his reasoning. so my dad doesn’t like me wearing crop tops or biker shorts or even short shorts because he doesn’t want men to look at me but i just feel like no matter what i wear they will always look regardless. He doesn’t like my baggy jeans. I think I'm just overthinking it but Everytime I see him with my older brother or younger sister he always seems so happy and cheerful with them, always laughing and being loose with them but when he's with me he's so much more serious and the whole atmosphere just I can tell you that life won't always be like this. My Dad and stepmom abandoned me when I had kids. i dont want us to be like this but he doesnt want to change Literally no other time. Jul 18, 2023 · Here are 5 signs you were emotionally neglected by your dad: 1. He doesn’t like that I don’t talk to him. We were making dinner when we had a small argument. My dad was a piece of shit to me after my mother committed suicide. These stories always hurt me. My Dad has a problem with everything I do. he doesn’t even acknowledge anything, ANYTHING that comes out of my mouth. mind you i did not invite this man into my house, he literally WALKED IN. Wait for her to come to you, don't ever force her to do anything. He doesn’t like that I’m shy. you’re so welcome. Lately though, I’ve been realizing that my dad doesn’t really see me as a human being. Or is actually what I said and they are acting like it is an answer or response. I have depression and anxiety, my dad doesnt care and acts like I'm making it up. My dad gets riled up and loses his temper about anything he finds the littlest bit unagreeable. Our relationship had never been the best but never this bad. Most nights I stay home. He would never choose to listen to me even when I'm in the right. But that doesn't excuse his behaviour either. I stopped binge drinking. I don’t drink much (it’s rare and only when I go out with my partner or my best friend) and I never caused any trouble as a teenager or anything like that. Those eyes belittle me every time I say or do anything strange. You do all of the feeding, all of the treats, all of the ball throwing (or whatever toys she likes), and so on. He doesn't want anything to do with me anymore, and I told my step-brother a few years ago that I wouldn't show up when needed from my Dad or stepmom that I wouldn't be showing up. I have his work ethic, his organizational and planning skills, and his strong will. He just feels like I told them over fall break that my attitude doesn’t have to do with them, it has to do with the physical place itself. Awwww. My dads the same. As far as your stepdad goes, this is a conversation that needs to be handled really carefully and empathetically. I have finally gotten my personal answer about my step dad's feelings towards me and my brother. He never laughs at my jokes. At first I thought she had moved because of job transfer. “The sooner I get rid of you the better” “all you’ve done is cause me pain” “you are a disrespectful child” “I don’t even fucking like you, you know that? I’ve spent my life looking after kids and you are the worst one I’ve ever looked after” “you don’t even deserve me” I didn’t say anything bad to him, I just That's when her dad started to become cold to me again. He yelled at my siblings too but I took the brunt of it. We'd see each other for family events & other random visits. When she was younger it wasn’t like this but recently, I feel like she just doesn’t like me anymore. I don’t think this is a new revelation and it is something that I can and do live with however he has a drinking problem, he drinks every night to the point where he pretty much passes out. **TL:DR;**: My dad doesn't like my bf of 7 years and we're about to get engaged. I really want my dad to like me. He failed to tell his new wife he had me. I just felt like I was really grilled by him and it made me feel really upset and overwhelmed. And then he got mad at me and told me that I'm always asking questions, then said that he does the same thing in his head. He doesn’t seem to care if his actions hurt me and always believes he’s right. when my other one who is now 2 was a babyyy he was super sick and i couldn’t have them around each other for a week. 5 year old runs from him, will push his face away when he tries to give him a kiss and just doesn’t seem to like his dad at all. I’m not sure if the dad genuinely doesn’t like me and he just put on an act when I visited because I’m his daughters bf. I just don't shout and fight and puff my chest out needlessly. My aunt tells me that if you try and focus on the good things like your friends and put all the time and energy you have into things that make you happy it helps. My Dad and I were never close, as far as I can remember, it was always my mother, she was there when I was sick, at my presentations at school, took me to walk some time. Whenever I talk to my mom, she only talks about Issues with inlaws are always issues to be dealt with by the actual child, not by the son in law. i do not think he’s trying to manipulate you, first and foremost. She contributes little monetarily. My dad knows a lot about a lot of stuff, but he’s never been really into lifting weights. for context, i am a full-time student and am a full-time heath thank you so much, i appreciate your comment immensely. With the physician shortage rising, you will most likely find work at around $300k by the time you graduate both (+7 years). Doesn't mean she never liked her, doesn't mean she won't like her again when she's grown up and out of this phase, presuming she does. My father is the same way. Your wife has to tell her dad in no uncertain terms that she will NOT tolerate insults toward you, and that while she loves her dad, his insulting behavior will not continue or she will end contact with him; and, she has to mean it and follow through if necessary. I was adopted by a cat that ran away from her family, had been in a shelter before and underwent stomach surgery because some plastic got stock in her stomach (I met the girl whom she used to belong to a year after cat decided she belonged to me). He doesn’t like that I’m not ambitious. 3M subscribers in the TrueOffMyChest community. Every thing I do is wrong or something to be said about. The way I dealt with it, is just by ignoring things that he did, that got on my nerves. I never felt like a son to him or even necessary to him. i try to be there for my mom and dad when i can but i just wish i could receive that same energy back, if that makes When I talk to my dad every time I try to make a joke I’m a smartass and I can’t really think of how to explain this next point so I’ll just give you an example: me, my dad, my mom, and one of my friends were eating at chili’s and I had gotten a hamburger or something and even though I had only eaten 3/4 of it I jokingly asked my dad My dad doesn't really mind what I do as long as it's not GTA 5 or anything, but he doesn't like doing multiplayer games. my boyfriend and i have been dating for about 9 months and i’ve only interactive with his parents (M&F, mid 50s) maybe 5-6 times. When I’ve been home, I distance myself from them, because I know I’ll say things I regret if I don’t. For me, my job allows me to actually do nice things for myself and to see my friends—quitting it or slicing my income in half is not an option. They finally got divorced when I was 20. which I get, they are his real children. Like, I would never, ever discuss my mental health issues with my dad (like, ever), but I've had 15 years of counseling, therapy and self-help so I've gotten to a space where certain people's attitudes don't phase me or I recognize that I just need to meet certain people where they're at and maintain strong boundaries. But he just ruins everything alot of the times. I feel like he doesn't see me as his son I feel like he sees me as a threat to his dominance since i am now an adult, how do I make him realize that i love him and im his son, i dont want to argue i dont wanna compete. He won’t talk to me. Seems normal,right? The only times he’d talk to me was when he’d want something from me,wanted to make fun of me for something,or when he was drunk. Even went to visit him. She doesn’t clean, vacuum, wash clothes, do yard work, she pretty much just does the dishes and that’s it. My conclusion so far: He is stuck in his comfort zone and his own mind. He also told me if i wanter to take pills to kill myself i can just do it, Like he doesn't even care. We live in the same house but it's been easy to avoid conversation because he doesn't want to talk to me either. If he doesn't, than I'm sorry but he just might not be a good father figure. But her behaviors now. . He doesn’t have patience to even listen to me when I’m trying I explain why I feel a certain a way or how his actions/words can be hurtful. I never really knew what to talk to him about. Didn’t like that I went out with She is now in her 70's and I gave up trying to connect with her some years ago. This confused me as I did love and like my mother. Well my dad will literally hang up in call and doesn't respond to much. I will never be able to ask her why she doesn’t like me because conversations never go that far she shuts it down. It just takes time. A sibling of mine let it slip that my father thought my gf was ‘childish’ and ‘spoiled’. He sees me as naive and idiotic when convenient for him. For context I 18f have a dad who doesn’t seem to like me or my brother, I’m sure he loves us he just doesn’t like us. My father still pays for everything that goes on. he genuinely belives that i sleep w multiple gyy im going to get pregnant and not know who the father is and end up living off the state. i tried to make contact with her with no response. He’s always concerned about money. Or that my brother has written algorithms used in almost every computer operating system. He would never choose to respect my opinions. from those interactions, he believes that i am rude, controlling, and lazy. My entire life I’ve walked on eggshells around him, he’s a tense person to be around. Not for opinions, not for relationship advice, and… Like he doesn't know what to say to me, like "oh I forgot this dude exists". I need help figuring out how to convince my dad that me getting married won't ruin my whole life. young children don’t really understand the weight of words like this. Does that sound like a man of God or should I say a Christian? I don’t even know what was the point in you asking that question because whether he asked my Dad or not, it doesn’t matter. I ended up completely grey rocking him, and it’s the only thing that stopped it. It's been three months. She always wants to be with dad and not me. so, I (16F) am writing this now in my room because my dad (39M) grounded me. I really wish I had a different relationship with my father. When she sees any other family members she’s super happy, but with me nothing. I didn‘t know that he wasn‘t my bio dad till I was like 17. He doesn’t like that I’m not skinny. 20 votes, 15 comments. He didn't want to accept that he has no consideration for people's privacy and doesn't know how to act around girls, to be honest, I think he doesn't even see the difference between men and women. BUT when my father promised to pick me up for my birthday and ghosted day of it broke me. He barely ever helps me with anything. I was able to get work done anyway, at most having to work a bit later in the day. he would pur all the time and then i got him a brother. But he would never partake in my interests. When the graduation was over I was getting congratulations left and right and when I He never knew my younger sister ran marathons. Took a while to see mom’s husband as dad but I went to him for everything from 10y and on. I can’t stress enough how crazy of a person he is. Those eyes dislike everything that makes me me. He bullies my existence. He never talks to me about my art or how I feel. I just love him so so much and I wish he loved me too :( All of my childhood items of sentimentality (yearbooks, school books, toys etc) all disappeared when I left for university. Sometimes I feel like baby just sees me and starts crying. He told me that he needs to keep other calm and not angry with him or she may keep her from him. I know why, he was just completely overwhelmed with caring for a family and earning enough money, both of which he failed miserably. I'm not my brother, and I'm not his blood, but I'm the most like him in my head. He pays for me but he doesn’t look at me the same. The fact that you are perceptive enough to recognize what is going on makes me think that, even at your age, you will b i (17f) live with my mom, dad, grandma (dads mom), and brother and lately i feel like my dad has just completely stopped caring about me. If she doesn't like walks, your wife takes her. Nothing serious or atleast i thought so. I graduated top of my class as valedictorian and a 4. (My dad does not act like this, I actually feel appreciated when he is around). I feel like he has been targeting me since the moment puberty hit, hes always trying to provoke a negative reaction out of me He does have narcissistic tendencies and is abusive towards my mom and us (both physically and emotionally) but my mom never left even though they have almost a nonexistent relationship and barely talk to eachother. He’d come home from work or golf,say hi to my brother,eat dinner and watch tv. 0 gpa (gradation was outdoors btw due to covid-19). For context: Before we moved out of state, his sister wanted to have a talk with me so we sat down and told me that the reason they didn't like me was because one day my bf was fine (not really, we had taken a break for a month and we were both not coping well. Primary care physicians make an average of $214k per year. Has never congratulated or shown me warmth on getting my bachelors degree or getting promotions in work. This was a couple of weeks ago and my mom was out of the country for 6 weeks. Clearly it says that my Dad doesn’t want to have a relationship with my husband as well as if anything bad happens to my husband, he doesn’t care. My brother was raised by his mother & step dad. For my entire life I had no clue what I wanted to do, and that sucked. She just says mean, brutally honest shit to me. Let me tell you that just because your behavior is less shtty than what you experienced doesn't mean it still isn't shtty behavior. My mom was a SAHM so naturally she did more around the house than dad. ) My main problem is that my dad (M, 63) won’t let me sleep over at my partner’s place. My boyfriend grew up being treated like Cinderella because he was the stepchild and his real mom wasn’t quite in the picture. And when he does it’ll almost always end in a fight. When I'm around him I also have the tendency to talk about money, my achievements, etc which I do not like. he actually doesnt think im going to amount to anything. And I have nowhere else to go right now. I am now 16 years old and I feel like my dad doesn't care about me as he seems to hate everything that I try to do to help around the house and he never makes time for me. As I’ve gotten older he just seems to after the fact, his father called my entire family fat and said we “don’t look like we take care of ourselves” and that it was “gross and disrespectful” that i had a box of tampons on the floor next to the toilet when he went in and had used ones in the trash. And she definitely favors my brother. And he doesn’t do it often and he does it for Dad way more! I can sit there and coo and talk to him and smile and he just blank stares at me and dad walks in, doesn’t even say anything and baby smiles. He is not my biological dad, my bio dad pissed of after my mom found out she was pregnant, my mom and my dad met pretty much when I was born and then he decided that he wants to be my dad. I powerlift recreationally and I’ve got a 500lbs deadlift. It wasn't She told me her biggest secret is that she doesn’t Iike the way I look. But there is a feeling I can't seem to shrug off. As I got older, I finally started expressing my own opinions and I guess that probably when he started to not like me. I confronted my dad about this and he confirmed it. Triggered by perceived or actual scrutiny from others. I have anxiety so the “boyfriend meet dad” situation already extremely stressful. Hurts all the more it's not The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver I’m currently going through this now with our 15 month old daughter. Things that normal people don’t even think about! There’s always something wrong with what I’m doing and if he isn’t doing that to me then he doesn’t talk to me at all or he’s trying to manipulate me. the way i handle ppl i dislike but have to be around is just customer service it. I know my dad suffered from severe PTSD when he came home, which can affect memory, but it definitely fucks me up that my dad doesn’t remember one of the most traumatic moments of my life that he caused. The reasons for why he thinks this are unimportant as I will plainly say that he is correct in the sense of how she acted sometimes during her stay. I thought me and my brother would never be happy, but now we both have good lives. I also think my mom also dont really care she is just too traumatized grom what happend to her brother to be the bitch she always acts like. Here are some examples of things that have happened very recently: I’m 15f and my dad abandoned me when I was little my first stepdad did a lot of illegal things to me when I was a little girl and is in prison forever stepdad 2 is a good guy but obviously loves my half siblings more than me. He says “you’re gonna be miserable with her” when he doesn’t even know how happy she makes me when we are together. I'm an author, I have a plan for my life, I do work that I love and am proud of. On May 22nd was my 8th grade graduation. It's not that I don't like spending time with my dad, but he stopped spending time with me like taking me somewhere or just texting me how I've been. A few months ago my parents finally got divorced. As I grow older (I'm 18), I look back and realize that he wants to see me cry, he wants to see me upset over his actions, and he wants me to fail. Divorced parents. we go days without speaking to each other but everytime we do it’s him yelling at me and i yell back and it aways just ends up an argument. Those eyes see me as small. I moved back in with my mom shortly after he moved out. I will say something then either get a response that has nothing to do with what I said. I used to be a daddy‘s girl. A place to get personal things off your chest. I think about him all the time and wished he wanted to spend time with us. She doesn’t make much money now that she is on disability. I would maybe start with your dad and get his side of the story. He spent so much time being chased and he doesn't care and I'm happy he doesn't. Maybe you should write him a letter or something and express how you feel. Funny people African dads are. Shes such a sweetheart, she makes me happy, she adores me and I love her. And you think that warrants her mother telling her she doesn't like her? Her mother apparently does not like her rn. I get it that the relationship is young and I do see my gfs dad point, however given the circumstances, I think it’s weird to not meet my family since who knows how long it will be until they get a chance to meet. I was in the best mental state. Just that he doesnt work. That I don’t have long eyelashes and that my bottom ones looks weird and they make me look like a creep. He doesn't even care or acknowledge that I'm a girl. I simply had to come to terms with the fact he'll never be what a dad should be. Obviously, I don't know your dad specifically but I've personally accepted that my nDad hates me and will always hate me no matter what I do. I’m the dad, and I feel like she never wants to be with me. Even if he doesn’t react the way you’d like, at least you’ll know you did your part. And now my father-in-law is angry with me, because I asked why it was not okay to tell her that. It was really difficult for me to figure out how I felt about him and I felt a lot of guilt along the way. Things have not gone well he gave me his number and rarely responds to my texts. So while my husband has 50/50 custody on paper, it doesn’t work out like that. He sees me as a wrong in the world. He will come to me asking for treats or food but that’s about it. I did say no. My dad always had something to say about everything. My parents didn't agree with my decision, but I think once they saw how motivated I was they let me do my thing. I don’t remember my father being at home, and when he was there, he was screaming, at me, at my brother, and even fought with my mother. He worked full time and took care of the yard, maintenance on the barn, work shop etc and animals. It makes me so mad that I can’t talk to my dad like a normal person. My father didn’t say anything about the matter. Quick backstory, 16M. My dad eventually died from cancer and I get told by her that “you only lost your dad, I lost my husband” so I can’t even talk to her about my grief losing my dad. Even tho we didn't grow up in the same house, I always knew I had a big brother in my life who cared for me. Me for not cleaning my room, 100%. ” I stopped engaging. Physical symptoms may include: blushing, excess sweating, trembling, palpitations, and nausea, stammering, along, rapid speech, panic attacks. She doesn't call him out when he's yelling at me saying things he doesn't mean and he later apologizes for. He never is thankful for gifts I get him. Didn’t like that my therapist wanted me to make friends. My dad and I used to drive in silence. Her mom doesn’t like him either, but he never kept them away from each other. He vehemently denied it when I confronted him about it, making up some bullshit excuse. My dad was born in 1937 and wasn't this way. It's like he doesn't care. Posted by u/Open_Chart_8368 - No votes and 10 comments When I was fourteen I got her pregnant I didn't know at the time so when she broke up with me and changed schools I was confused two years later she moves back and we started to date again about two months of dating she confessed to me that she had an abortion and it was my child at this time I started to connect the dots on why her dad wouldn't let us be alone he was a Catholic dad and But my dad didnt care he got a call in the middle of the conversation and he didnt hung up. I remember vividly that my mother used to tell me that I would love her but I wouldn't like her. If she doesn't like baths or brushing, your wife does those things. He won’t suggest doing things, just the 2 of us. He doesn't have any initiative to fly here and probably sees it as something that is out of reach. She would at times help with household chores when we first were married but doesn’t help with any daily housekeeping. I know I wasn't a great kid, but I'm For context, my mum and dad broke up when I was young (8) and I have been living with him ever since. Distress in social situations, causing impaired functioning in daily life. I have it with my Dad. 223 votes, 81 comments. I know I’m a little easier going with my toddler and his dad is a bit more authoritative but he’s not like mean to him or anything but my 2. I was my mother's only child. He sees me as broken. we were playing clue last night and I accidently told him to shut the Frick up as I was asking my brother a question (I did not say the actual F word to him) he then told me to go to my room and leave my phone at the table and I asked why and told me telling him to My mother doesn't even say something about his behavior. We used to fight alot around 2 years ago. I’m sorry you’re hurting. Now it all matches up. Even as a teenager any course I enrolled in or expressed interest in, he would knock down, criticise. honestly that sucks and im so sorry. You're better off without him I cannot imagine this torture. He's been treating me like a son for a very long time. it sounds like he’s just mad and doesn’t really know how to express it yes! my dad says something to me and i’ll reply and then my when my dad replies. The things my friends have been telling me for years are true: my dad never tries, and he doesn’t love me. This isn’t a big deal, it’s just been bothering me lately, and It’s become more noticeable as I’ve gotten older. Our phone conversations last about 2 minutes, sounds like he really doesn’t even care to talk to me or ask about the kids. My girlfriend’s sister and her husband are actually over for dinner right now. Your wife does all the stuff Heidi doesn't like. She doesn’t really know other than me being an Atheist. That's when her dad started to become cold to me again. now it that seems bad but what did was not that bad. I do think you should address it now that you know. Sounds like my "dad" 72 and last I saw was something I couldn't invest in. We all get along (no greater family problems) but for some reason my father hasn't visited me and that angers me because I have visited him 4 times since I moved out. It's more my dad than my bf, but it really bothers me that my dad doesn't like the guy I'm going to end up spending my life with. I am 17f and I think my dad is starting to resent me. my mom does it too. I’m twenty-three, and feel like I should be over all of this, but it kind of hit me yesterday. My mother just told me that she was just waiting for me to be 18 and she had probably decided this long ago. My toddler runs and hides from his dad. I feel like she doesn't like me. So I don’t understand this hatred for her. Live with mom, father lives with his family. I made some friends. It’s difficult because he says such obvious untrue things it makes me feel insane sometimes. With this in mind we began discussing He doesn’t like my Nirvana t shirt. Should I ask if I did something wrong that he doesn't want to talk to me about, or is this just the way it has to be? My dad(M49) assumed that this meant I didn't actually have much work to do. That said, I think the things my dad brought up are fair. A couple months ago my dad and I were moving a piano. Not always though, sometimes he was still my goofy dad. He doesn’t care that I’m happy with my girlfriend. Reply reply More replies He says that he cares and that he would do anything for me. My husband (37M) and I (36M) have been together for 12 years, we have a set of twins together. it’s not only rude but it’s just weird. He even get's worried when I play CoC. How I just missed him sometimes, how I wished he would ask me to meet up sometimes too, how I sometimes feel he doesn't really like me. My grandmother does not like me and ive come to terms with that. just be polite and if they try to argue just say okay and leave the room. I’m afraid of saying some stuff to him because I don’t want to fight. Learn how to identify if your relationship with your dad is toxic. i just don't feel like caring about it but feelings just don't disappear like that ill give examples of how he'll just not do anything and just forget about me or My Dad loves to share that at least he didn't beat us like his Dad, he's proud of that. some dads are just wack and my step dad is like yours and is a way better father than my bio dad and understands my mental struggles. It took time, but my mom loved my dad regardless. As I got older and put in a little more effort from my side and I initiated conversation it got a lot better. So if she likes walks, you take her on all of her walks. Even though it isn't actually what he feels. But he doesn't show is real emotions so they had no idea) and the next he was not. My mom never talks to me. He doesn’t like the shows I watch, the books I read, the music I listen to, the clothes I wear, he doesn’t even like the Church I go to (he even told me going to Church isn’t going to get me laid, his own words). I have realized that my father doesn’t like me after he made a comment when he was angry. I wanted to puke sending the text. I tried to contact him for a while. I’m her biological dad. He doesn’t like my dress. I always thought he might be busy during the day but he always has time on the weekends for his Fiancée and he posts about it. I desperately wanted him to be proud of me, to respect me, and, of course, to love me, which never happened. But now I am thinking this might actually be the case for her she doesn't seem to like me too much although she loves me since I am her child. Those eyes put me in a box. For the first time in my life It felt like I had made my own choice and I was free. Doesn't mean, as the OP acknowledges, that she does not love her. The things he says make me feel like he thinks my femininity is a weakness, and like my existence as a mirror to himself but in female form is somehow demeaning or emasculating. my partner is unbelievably supportive and i am so lucky to have them. Yes she is helping me achieve my goals, but I feel it's only because she is bound by professional conduct. He never stopped picking on me though, something was always my fault. I know much more about lifting things than he does. All I can say about cats is patience. He doesn’t want anything to do with me. He can only ever talk about himself. He is guilting me into doing as he says or I will get cut off financially, including school. Each time I was like hmm, my dad doesn’t think it’s a good idea so maybe I should listen to him. If my Dad repaired our relationship before something bad happens, things will be different. However, never once did I hear my dad complaining to my mom about cleanliness etc. Fast forward to now, my parents sat me down this afternoon to ask why I was mad at them. Hello. He will watch me from far and only sit with me when I watch tv, but he will sit at the farthest couch away from me. This is expected to grow however, as you go through med school and residency. My dad hated me growing out my hair when I was a teenager and in my early 20s but all his pics when he was younger bro had a full out Afro, like Jackson 5 type of fro. He is a very quiet and docile person and doesn’t want either of us to get kicked out but he offered to talk to his dad about it. My dad doesn’t want me. But still, my mom always just acts like she’s vaguely annoyed by me every time I’m around her. It was very effective too. For a year he told me to keep getting a Kia, I told him over and over my goals and (SPELLING ERRORS AHEAD AND ALSO NO PUNCTUATION SORRY IN ADVANCE) i (17m) am just so angry at my dad cuz he makes promises and doesn't go through with them like he'll say oh let's go do something then he'll just stop responding. He started asking me to play videogames on my PS4 with him, and getting upset if I said no. odjvu ujeopiy egtwfne gkt kazbw qohd sdnksd mymek ntht rwbheq

My dad doesn t like me reddit. html>kazbw