Harry rescued by sirius fanfiction. END Sirius stopped pacing and looked at his godson.

Harry rescued by sirius fanfiction. html>ijmw

This sub is for fanfic recommendations and discussion related to LGBT pairings and characters in the Harry Potter universe. He imagined that Harry's relatives didn't buy him new clothes. Lucius Malfoy. "Harry, what the hell are you doing here?" The stupidity of his question being asked again started Sirius sniggering, this set Harry laughing and his parents soon followed their son's Immediately realizing his mistake, Harry shrugged, trying to cover it up. Harry had had no protection, and likely had worse memories than the average Azkaban convict. But Sirius is the one who decides to kidnap Harry and give him the best Christmas he's ever had. " After the events of fifth year, Harry can't help but think that maybe Sirius survived the Veil. At the ages of fourteen and Sirius becomes aware of that and knows either Harry or Remus Lupin had to be the person who was responsible for saving his life. I need to know what they've done to you. WARNING: DURSLEY ABUSE! Sirius has been rescued and regressed to Harry's age, and they are beginning their first official year at Hogwarts together. But then, he always knew that Harry was no ordinary child. After Dobby's visit, Harry runs away, and Snape kidnaps him with the help of a huge dog. Harry had flinched at his touch but Sirius did not draw back. I don't own Harry Potter. Mr and Mrs Dursley of Number Four, Privet Drive, were happy to say they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. hard revelations 5. What will happen with Harry from then on? And Hogwarts? And Harry finds out about his other cousin. Voldemort appears, possesses Harry, Dumbledore comes to fight Voldy… we know the story. What if Harry had been rescued from the Dursleys at age six and raised as the heir of the Noble and Most Ancient, etc. Sirius started to become more nervous as the silence stretched with no sign of his Remus answering his question as he fiddled with his fingers. It was Sirius! Harry and Hermione watched as their younger selves neared Sirius as well. Then we can see what we're up against. Hermione had to admit begrudgingly that the snowfall was actually a pretty sound plan to detect them. One-Shot. Betaed by Neko Kuroban. [Harry Daphne] [Sirius OC] Tracey Davis, Neville Longbottom, Astoria Greengrass, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley "Maybe we should hear him out, Albus. " "Yes," agreed Arcturus, "we must. Harry attempted to reply. Tonks was standing outside of Number Four Privet Drive. However, Sirius discovers certain unexpected secrets about Harry and decides to set things right. At the Quidditch World Cup, Harry learns of the upcoming Triwizard Tournament from Mr. His glasses had broken two weeks ago and it was very difficult to make out anything at all. END Sirius stopped pacing and looked at his godson. Growing Up Black by Elvendork Nigellus. WARNING: DURSLEY ABUSE! Harry's cloak was silky smooth and it quickly became taxing to hold onto the boards of the shelf. After weeks of relentless arguing, Sirius finally manages to convince Dumbledore to let Harry live with him. Sirius, I'm sorry to have killed you and broke the promise. Author note: so this will be a creature fic, I have not decided if it will be Harry/Lucius or maybe Harry/Fenrir for a challenge. ? This is the weird and wonderful story of Aries Sirius Black. You completely went against my word. She gasped for breath. Looking for staff! Mar 25, 2018 · Harry had used the excuse of them needing to know what was going on, in order to organise and coordinate Sirius' rescue properly, to leave the hut and head for the lake. Sirius has Harry, he has a way to make Remus listen. " With that the elf took Severus' arm and with a pop they were gone from Harry's room and were standing by the bed in another room. The man grabbed him up and pulled him out of the cupboard. 'Harry is under my personal protection,' he said to the boys now staring up at him with big eyes. Something rescued him. 5 days ago · Sirius struggles to officially adopt Harry as of course Dumbledore needs him to stay 'with the Dursleys' so that the magical protection borne of Lily's sacrifice continues to work and Harry can go on to fulfil the prophecy (though of course Sirius doesn't know this). , Remus L. "Oh, okay," said Harry. The Dursely's weren't home so if she went in, it was just Harry. Fear ran through Remus' veins, if Harry rejected him then it was all over. She was so thankful that he and Sirius, with a handful of Hogwarts Professors and Aurors, had found Harry immediately after he disappeared, and fought off the Death Eaters there, as well as Voldemort. "For getting you killed. AU. He surprised everyone by running into Sirius' open arms. Luna grabbed a handful and began chewing noisily. Really. Disclaimer: I don't own the HP universe, unfortunately. Ginny is concerned for her new boyfriend, especially when Hedwig shows up at the Burrow with a note that says "Rescue me". The ministry was monitoring apparition and portkeys and had nearly caught them several times over the course of the trip down so it had taken significantly longer than one might have hoped. Remus peeked around the gate, watching Harry toss and turn. Sirius rescues Harry: chaos ensues. Harry crawled towards Sirius's ear and yelled, "Up, Padfoot, up!" Sirius jumped and Lily caught Harry laughing. Vernon wouldn't let Hedwig escape her cage because he didn't want Harry to send for help. I'm going to see harry. Sirius cracked open the door. On a personal note I feel that if someone has started a story and left it for over a year untouched while starting more than 30 other stories then they abandoned the story and should be considered as such and adopted out. Harry's the son of Apollo. Prior to Harry’s third year, he leaves the Dursleys, desperate to escape. He had been dying for a long time now, fully aware his time was coming to an end. Harry tried to take another step, but he was stuck. Lily just laughed and placed Harry on top of Sirius. Jan 7, 2018 · Dobby popped the will and the wand onto Harry's pillow, and took the letter for Sirius to Hedwig, and the copy of the will to a school owl, while Harry tried the bundle of wands Dobby had brought. sleep over 7. Snape plays mindgames and makes Harry live different miserable scenarios. Harry whimpered, quite certain he was going to get it for making such loud noises. Warnings: will contain mild violence, some coarse language, parental spanking (cp) of minors. Minerva McGonagall and Andromeda Tonks come to his rescue, and soon he's taken in by Andromeda and discovers her actual gender identity. Harry Potter, age four, has been rescued by Remus Lupin and Sirius Black from the vicious and ruthless Dursleys. Warnings: child abuse in the first chapter and most likely swearing at some point. Weasley," Harry worried. He searches for Harry but can't find him, finally remembers that Lily had a sister but has no idea what her last name is. Now that Sirius is free he can raised Harry how he deserves. He hugged him. A Sirius rescues Harry from the dursleys fic. - Chapters: 14 - Words: 3,070 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 6 - Updated: 50m - Published: 5/14 - id: 14356205 James Potter was the first to find his voice. Jun 19, 2012 · Placing Harry in a stasis spell Severus picked him up. Children – mean children but just children. Truths Universe. , Sirius B. Severus, please make sure than Sirius stays where he is, and Sirius, don't even THINK about going out of the Headquarters!" Sirius rescues Harry. Sirius and Remus are in hiding ten years after Pettigrew's escape, and Remus is the one who figures out that Harry is with the Dursleys. AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is my first fanfic and I pick up right at the end of Harry's third year and take my own little spin on what happens during the summer before Harry's fourth year and everything that happens after that. So, he goes to his grandfather and pleads his case. They couldn't even stand still. Obviously, they will be looking for me and I imagine they will now be looking for you as well. Revised However, the Wizarding World was still not convinced of his innocence and Harry was sent to the Dursleys. What he sees when he finds Harry is enough to crush any brave soul. When they wake up seven years later, they find themselves on a journey to fix what went wrong: to free Sirius from Azkaban, help Remus learn to live again, rescue their son from the Dursley's, and take on the world together, as a family. "Anyway, I had to hide from a patrol. Follow Harry as he makes preparations to leave the Wizarding world behind for good with Sirius and embark on a long and exciting journey into the unknown. Sirius raises Harry while on the run from the ministry. Three of them worked well enough, and Harry decided to keep them all hidden about his person. Rowling. A small change in Harry's battle with the Basilisk had him slowly absorbing Voldemort's memories from the Horcrux in his scar. Stories with abused, ill, depressed, betrayed, and/or manipulated Harry getting rescued or helped in any way by anyone, this also includes Harry being rescued and thus raised by someone else. Today is the day Today he is going to rescue Padfoot from that awful place and they are then going to find harry and leave the wizarding Britain to live their life happily or that was what he was hoping . What if Sirius rescued Harry before Hogwarts and took him under his wing? What if Sirius taught Care of Magical Creatures and ended up starting a Defense Against the Dark Arts club? What if Hermione chose Harry? Harry, being the only one used to the Headmaster's unusual mannerisms, accepted a sweet. Rating: PG-13 AN: I thank you all for taking the time to read this. - Complete Nov 20, 2013 · Harry is rescued from the Dursleys at the age of four and is raised by Sirius and Remus. " Harry returned his grin weakly before lapsing into awkward silence. "Crucio!", she shouted, making Harry writh in pain. 'If you hurt him, I will hurt you. Sirius picked up Harry and walked him upstairs into his room. AU begins at the end of fourth year, HPXmen evo crossover COMPLETE! Harry and Merope to the Rescue - Chapter 12. Dec 17, 2008 · Anyways, this is a Harry/Sirius centric chapter so enjoy. true form 11. K. Remus went to find Sirius and Harry slept for most of the morning, even through Remus and Sirius' chat with Professor Dumbledore (in which there was quite a bit of yelling from Sirius and in which Remus had to restrain Sirius from Apparating to the Dursleys and turning Vernon into a horned slug. AU after OOTP. Hermione nodded her agreement. An accident the summer before 6th year puts Dumbledore's plans for Harry in motion sooner than planned. birthday celebrations 12. COMPLETE. From the World Beyond: linkffn(13757926) has Harry throwing the hallows into the veil of death only for Sirius, James and Lilly to be yeeted out of it in return. Harry supposed that the wind must have carried him in mid-jump, considering how small and light he was. Harry, overjoyed to be able to leave the Dursleys, expects to receive the love and support he's been wishing for his whole life, but quickly finds that not everything is as rose-coloured as he might've hoped. As the two of them ate, Sirius eyed Harry's clothes disdainfully. Jun 30, 2020 · WARNING: mentions of child abuse and self-harm. Sirius POV. " Dumbledore said, his tone still irritatingly calm. 5th year AU, in place of ministry fiasco there is a 6th-year I do not own Harry Potter, that lucky person is J. Part I complete. Warning: Abuse by the Dursleys. Will an unexpected truce with Snape better prepare Harry for what is to come? A Snape mentors Harry fic with all the regular players. Sirius stepped into the flames and shouted, "Padfoot It's not revealed until pretty far into the story, but To Reach Without has this as a plot point. Jan 19, 2019 · Harry Potter had known that the rescue mission was a likely trap. 7K 30 Sirius and Harry both froze for a second, but Sirius just managed to beat Harry. Raised by Canines {A Harry Potter fanfiction} 422K 15. Harry saw a table, chairs, a cabinet of sorts – all made from the same dark wood – and a large expanse of stone-gray wall. Sirius saves young Harry from the abusive Dursley's clutches after a twist of fate secures his innocence from the Ministry. O'd by another spell, and because Bella did use that curse on Sirius, Harry chases her to the Atrium for almost killing him. She did however cast the Avada Kadavra spell on Sirius, but missed. Wormtail kidnaps Harry and goes on the run, leaving Sirius to follow and try to rescue his godson. When he reaches 7, he instructs him to go to Camp Half-Blood. His loved ones help him recover from his ordeal, healing a little themselves along the way. Characters Reading Fanfiction; Sirius Black/Harry Potter (1257) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (105) James Potter/Lily Evans Potter (98) Harry Potter/Severus Snape (97) Harry & Hermione "We need to send a different message to Ron," Harry said. dinner talk 4. Friendship (Ron, Hermione) and mentoring (Dumbledore, Sirius, Remus, etc) themes. He hugged Sirius. He stood there for a long time, longer than he had ever stood before. Over the next few weeks no one found Harry and they were beginning to wonder if they would ever see him again. This time we're going to floo instead of apparating like last time okay?" Harry nodded. But Remus will help. Remus only shook his head. 1. So checking his backpack for anything he might need he headed to start phase 1 of plan - rescue Sirius. He needed to know who had cast that patronus, especially if there was the slightest chance it could have been his father. Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 10 - Words: 40,375 - Reviews: 123 - Favs: 503 - Follows: 157 - Updated: 2/15/2008 - Published: 4/22/2007 - Harry P. Sirius grabbed a handful of floo powder and tossed it into the fire. Sirius charged in. This is mine. Love stories, gen stories, fatherson stories, anything great and good with these two characters is featured. The jade flames fascinated Harry. When Sirius picked him up, Harry gave a quiet whimper as he faded in and out of consciousness. Sirius raises Harry and opens a shop that specializes in repairing cursed artifacts and places protection wards on family heirlooms. By: PenDiva. But there was only one man he knew who lad long black hair, and his voice was so familiar… "Si-Sirius?" Harry rasped "Following months of wrongfully blaming the man for his parents' deaths, any hatred that Harry had felt for Sirius Black disappeared when Ron's rat transformed back into Peter Pettigrew; the empty space in his heart that the hate had occupied filled up with love the very instant that Sirius had asked his incredulous godson to come and live with him. the story deals with James basically teaching himself Psychology to help Harry, Hermione and Sirius get through their mental trauma's. I’ll mainly be focusing on I was so mad at that death eater, and I was mad at you to think I killed them. " James' face was red in anger. "Ah, hello Harry Potter, it is time for you to die," Voldemort said. As they turn 12 Grimmauld Place into a real home, Harry finally gets to hear all about his father and mother. " Sirius said while tears flowed silently down his cheek. A patrol! There were no guards. After checking every room of the house, Harry had chosen to apply his nervous energy into the endeavor of wearing the thick carpet down. "I'm not your professor anymore, Harry. Apr 3, 2019 · Harry stared at both of them before he glared then walked away with them asking if they were going to rescue Sirius. I rescued their child and you think I killed. "Come in. "H-Harry! That was not your fault! Why would you think that?" He had taken back his place his crouching position in That is, until Harry refused to listen to reason and insisted on breaking into the Department of Mysteries to rescue his godfather, Sirius Black from the hands of Voldemort. Is. carrier named 6. This doesn't go over well with Sirius. Sirius Black survived and Harry is struggling to come to terms with the fact that he almost lost his godfather. Sirius decides to take matters into his own hands. Slightly overpowered Harry. Will Harry react as well as Sirius wants to Siruis' good news? Set between chapters twenty-five and twenty-six of Altercations. Suggestions for fics or requests to become staff would be much appreciated just email to me. They marry. Harry was pretty small for his age and severely malnourished which caused him to weigh very little too. Harry buried himself in Sirius's chest while sobbing hard. "Oh, oh Harry…" Sirius said, tears filling his eyes as he knelt beside the boy. "Just Remus went to speak with Sirius, he found the cabin empty, Sirius had left. If you dislike that fact, Part II, Chapter 35, might be a better place to stop reading. " he heard Harry call. All their hearts broke for him. Two years after defeating Voldemort, Harry falls into an alternate dimension with his godfather. "We'll pick up where we left out next class. Where he claims him and his Legacy Gods bless him. "I am well aware of Harry track record, Sirius. Silently, he wondered if it should have been the other way around. Sirius walked towards Ron and Harry's room, knocking three times, hearing a hushed conversation. "Harry, I understand it is difficult to accept, but Sirius Black is dead. Eris responds by healing Sirius who escapes via his dog form. The adult should have rescued the children. "Think they'll find me innocent?" Sirius asked. " Sirius spoke up. Remus sighed and ate the now melting chocolate before cleaning his hand and taking Sirius' hand looking at him rather nervously. " Sirius laughed as him and Remus made their way back to Remus' flat. He swept Harry up into a hug. If there are any stories that you think should be in here please PM me. I haven't been in a while," he said tiredly, before shooting Harry a grin. Every since Harry had rescued Sirius and had (accidentally) knocked Snape out in the Shrieking Shack, the man had been ever so slightly short with him. After a few minutes of thinking, Harry decided that all he needed at the moment was some help. Sirius has good news. He nodded eagerly and Lily pulled out her wand. " Harry grinned with joy, tears almost leaking out of his eyes as he rushed over to his godfather. Hermione watched him. " They were called downstairs for a nice steak meal, in which Hermione's father began interrogating Harry. " Said Sirius with a smile. His mind kept replaying Sirius falling through the Veil on a loop for the entire night. somewhere safe 3. WARNING: DURSLEY ABUSE! Snape, in an attempt to save Lily, created a potion that kept James and Lily alive when hit with the killing curse, but put them into a coma. "Class dismissed," Sirius said loudly, his voice cold. "Aren't you coming?" asked Harry. " The first step in rescuing Harry was to determine how they were going to do so: the legal way, or the illegal way. He had intended to jump behind the trash cans behind the kitchen. Sirius rescues Harry, and has to convince his godson that no, he is not a murderer, and no, he will not hurt him. Unfortunately, Harry had no pens or quills nearby, so he couldn't write back a lie telling Sirius that all was fine. He turned around and looked at Sirius. Weasley were in the drawing room cleaning out one of the many desks in there when Fred spotted a small glass vile full of electric blue liquid. The old woman's screeches faded away. "Sirius?" Sirius couldn't help but smile warmly at his godson and comforted, "Yeah, it's me. A childhood that Harry deserved! Lots of bonding as Harry begins to trust Sirius and Remus. Revenge. With Sirius gone Harry is terrified of going back to the Dursley's and Remus rescues him. Innocent by MarauderLover7. *** This fic has been revised! Part 2 of the "unexpected" series, you might want to read 'Harry Potter and the Unexpected Friend' first. A Black Comedy by nonjon. Harry continued to look at the ceiling in his small room at the Dursley's residence, willing himself to get some sleep for the first time since his return from Chapter 1. Finally having his friend on his feet, Remus brushed the dust off Sirius' robes. Harry will be rescued from the Dursleys by Remus and Sirius, and he will be trained in the arts of live, love and death. Sirius and Harry finally get to be a proper family like what should have happened almost 15 years ago after James and Lily Potter's deaths on October 31,1981. ) Remus smiled at him, brushing the soot off his well-worn robes. Everything else: Wolfsbane. Harry was chained to the bed and stripped so he couldn't prevent himself from being made into the perverted sex toy they enjoyed him to be. 11 years later Sirius gets custody of a godson who still believes in Sirius' guilt Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Drama/Angst - Chapters: 13 - Words: 32,747 - Reviews: 235 - Favs: 246 - Follows: 133 - Updated: 2/11/2009 - Published Aug 17, 2013 · (When Voldemort ordered Pettigrew to kill Cedric, Harry levitated the Triwizard Cup to him, sending Cedric back to Hogwarts. Harry had gone after Sirius. Harry looked at his Godfather gratefully, getting a smile and a wink in return. The remainder of the story follows Harry's friends and the Order as they desperately race against time to find and rescue Harry from Bellatrix before he is killed or tortured into insanity. prologue: rescued 2. He has to… Remus handed Harry his goblet politely, which the teen took, still perplexed, before the ex-professor turned and heaved Sirius to his feet, Sirius singing a deformed form of 'god bless the thinger-ma-whatsits'. He jumped and looked around wildly. Bellatrix ran after him, and Sirius ran after her. Nov 23, 2013 · Early 2nd book. Once the tree was complete, Remus, Sirius, and Harry settled on the couch, sipping hot chocolate, enjoying the completed tree and each other's company. K. Even when the Dementors were standing in the same cell, Sirius kept talking to Harry, calling out to him through the bars, urging him to ignore the horrific memories and focus on a single fact; that he was innocent. I know this'll seem out of character but it was inspired by a dream I had. Harry. Because finally what he had dreamed of was happening, but now he didn't want it to. Harry had stood up before Sirius waved his wand. "Sirius, I thought I lost you. It was my fault," replied Harry. "Boys. Sirius could give him help, so he needed to reply to Sirius. After the events of fifth year, Harry can't help but think that maybe Sirius survived the Veil. "What?" said Sirius, taken aback. And Legacy of 10. The same could not be said for their eight year old nephew, but his godfather wanted him anyway. Jun 7, 2015 · Chapter One: Prologue. Harry didn't really know what to do. He turned the corner, put his invisibility cloak on and stared down at Ron and Hermione who seemed frustrated and were trying to figure out how Harry Here you can find all sorts of stories with Sirius and Harry as the main charactersfocus. Still lying on the floor, Tonks saw the bliss on Sirius's face as he stared at his godson. When the students returned to Hogwarts, many were surprised that the-boy-who-lived didn't return. If Harry was going to reject him he would rather never . If memory serves me correctly, the idea is that Lily, James, and Sirius were in a poly relationship together, and Sirius was Harry's biological father but Sirius doesn't know it, or even remember their triad relationship, because those were happy memories and happy thoughts, so the Dementors Harry's summer has taken a turn for the worst and he needs someone to rescue him. Held: A Story of Redemption. When he came back down the others were looking at him. Unfortunately his brain hadn't caught up with events yet, all that came out was a parrot of Sirius from earlier. "Mr Lupin!" McGonagall suddenly snapped. Just a glimpse to see if he's okay. All types of LGBT pairings and characters are welcome as well as triads and poly ships. "Sirius!" Harry exclaimed, rushing to him. " Sirius reached over and placed a hand on his shoulder. Hermione read it over and scoffed. Sirius asked. The truth shall be revealed to young Harry Potter, and he will face the dark forces that want to find him dead as well as the manipulations of the Leader of the Light that will try to kill him for his own purposes. The blood adoption awakens a dormant gene in the Potter family. A journy to belong. " Dumbledore then apologized to Sirius and allowed Harry to spend his holidays with Sirius. So I'm just meeting you here and then apparating with Remus to our new house," said Sirius. Then had come the Dementors and Harry thinking he'd seen his father drive them off. "Now. "Harry, can I talk to you? It won't take long. At 7 years of age Sirius rescues Harry and blood adopts him. The Weasley's, Remus and the Order learn just how bad Harry's home life is. This made Sirius think that maybe Harry saved his life but he also knew that Remus was there as well because he had somewhat seen Remus wrap his arms around Harry after Sirius was nearly knocked through the Veil in an effort to keep Harry from following him through it. We don't want to cause a major panic. However, Sirius continued to speak. "Who the heck cares?" he asked rhetorically. "Of course I didn't Prongs. Rated M, just to be safe. A Sirius and Harry, Father and Son fanfic To the magical community at large; Bellatrix LeStrange was a fanatically loyal follower of the Dark Lord Voldemort and along with her infamous cousin Sirius Black, the same Sirius Black who was the right hand of He-Who-must-not-be-named, the same Sirius Black who had betrayed his friends the Potters to the Dark Lord and the same Sirius Black Harry Potter Slash FanFiction. Prophecy. Maybe he knows something we don't. So this made him think that Remus saved his life. Grim Dawn. Sirius kept Harry sane, and alive. Sirius came out. " "I don't know, Sirius, I really want to keep this quiet, especially from Mrs. They know where Harry is, but won't rescue him yet. " Jul 17, 2024 · In one scary reality, Lily Evans, Harry's mother, or her counterpart, had lost it because in that world James hadn't stopped Snape from being killed by Lupin when he had transformed into a werewolf, but truthfully Harry had always believed the teachers and Sirius should have taken the dangers much more seriously, and come up with more precautions. "Let's go home. Linkffn(Luna's Hubby) Luna rescues Harry at age 8. "It's no big deal, Sirius. Harry had been running away from Dudley and his gang, and somehow ended up on the kitchen roof. Set after OotP. I'm your godfather, and your guardian, now. "Sirius, I told Harry he couldn't ride his broom. Figg notices his injuries. " "But Professor-" Hermione began. One day, an Unspeakable from the Department of Mysteries walks in with a cursed artifact from his cousin's confiscated Gringotts vault, requesting Sirius's assistance. Then suddenly I heard footsteps. written by Chibikan. Special thanks to my first ever Beta, chemprof (Take the time to read his stories if you haven't yet, you won't regret it). " Sirius nodded knowing their lives would never be the same, not without James and Lily. It wasn't hard to pretend. Sirius and Harry quickly form a strong bond that is so sweet. Harry tried to keep going with all the cruel things his family did. "So, James finally caved. Slight wolfstar. His godson had suggested the change, arguing that it was one less thing to worry about in a fight. "Shut up, you hag, shut UP!" With a tremendous effort he and Remus pulled the curtains shut. pack discipline 10. I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER OR ANY OTHER CHARACTERS THE HARRY POTTER SEIRES. Now in almost every parallel universe out there in the multiverse, a Stag Patronus will come staggering along in the nick of time and save the souls of Harry Potter and Sirius Black but, in this universe, while the Patronus was able to rescue Harry Potter's soul, it was just a couple of seconds late to reach Sirius Black who will lose his soul Apr 17, 2013 · Harry gets a rare wish granted and his parents return from the dead. He won't stop, he won't talk to him… Then Vernon Dursley wraps his hands around Harry's throat and any plan he had is out the window. I've changed some things, of course – there will be no bashing here, for one, even if it may seem like there will be at first – and the writing is much better, but most main events are the same. Remus had transformed and attacked Ron, Sirius had saved Ron. Unless," he added, suddenly, "it's too painful?" Harry shook his head. Unique third year. pack welcome 9. The muggles don't know I'm innocent. "Wait a minute," Victoria warned, scooping Sirius into her arms. Hermione just knew that they were being lead into a very intricate trap, where they- six Hogwarts students- were bound to meet a horrid fate. Maybe it was a way for him to distract himself from the mess that his and Harry's life was right now, or he was suddenly feeling sympathetic to Harry's plight, but the mysterious goings on of his godson's first two years had been mentioned repeatedly without actually having any information given, and Sirius wanted answers. - Words: 2,472 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 79 - Follows: 26 - Published: 6/29/2013 - Status: Complete - id: 9440477 Dumbledore and the Order must rescue Harry from Voldemort's clutches, but rescue is only the first battle. "And if you think you're going off to rescue Sirius without me, you don't know me very well. Sirius' height alone was enough to have them stop in their tracks and his expression seemed to do the rest. Albus Dumbledore was dying. Rated: Fiction K - English - Family/Angst - Harry P. James & Lily rescue Harry with the help of Remus and Sirius and try to restart the life and family they were denied. Harry watched with wide eyes as his younger self tried to do feeble Patronuses. Jul 1, 2012 · "Oh Harry. Harry should have expected that reaction, he really should have, but for some reason he thought Sirius would have reacted a little better. "Harry, it's me, Sirius. He ends up taking him away from the Dursleys and goes on the run with him. You said Harry couldn't ride his broom. Harry Potter's new life with his godfather, Sirius Black, is the stuff his best dreams were made of. Harry then spotted Sirius and froze. "Tibby, I need you to take us to Prince Manor, The heir's bedroom then go get Poppy. He had to. Something told him he was dying, but at this point, he would welcome death. Tonks did care about Harry. Pairings: I don't know yet but if you have a suggestion throw it out there. Sorry for the bad description. Are you up for a summer adventure? We're gonna rescue Sirius. ) "Sirius Black, and Severus Snape! Stop arguing like schoolboys! ~*I*~ Will be going with the rescue team as in is undoubtable that Lord Voldemort will make an entrance there. 1995. Harry wishes that someone would love him and rescue him. "So I've been thinking," Sirius said. SBRL, AU. DISCLAIMER: I do not any of this, of course, it is simply inspired by the amazing characters and books by J. " "Harry. Part II complete. Sirius wants to tell Harry his good news. ) James bellowed. Main pairings: JP/LE, HP/GW, HG/RW, RL/NT. Lastly there are also ones with Manipulative Dumbledore or Harry takes control of his life. The third and last major incident had occured last year in fourth grade. Well, he did but only if Harry accepted him for who he was. Slash or straight, doesn't matter. Harry is now a phoenix child. PROLOGUE. That. Pre-fifth year, post-fourth year. Hurt/Comfort and Angst largely abides here. Enjoy! Sirius changed from the dog to his human form in front of Dumbledore and Dumbledore asked, "Harry, did you and Sirius find the rat?" Harry said, "Yes. Harry wasn't sure what was going on but for some reason he felt relatively safe especially since he knew he wasn't in his uncle's arms. Jul 3, 2018 · Harry is rescued from the Dursleys on Dudley's 11th birthday when Mrs. Linkffn(The Perils of Innocence) Harry potter has been thrown into Azkaban for a crime he did not commit, and then rescued by the strangest ppl. blunt truth 8. Harry is rescued from the Dursleys at the age of four and is raised by Sirius and Remus. Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. Ron. They’ll both learn new things and they’ll both get a second chance at happiness. "Sir," Harry began, "we have reason to believe that my godfather is still alive. They thankfully find him and Severus Snape heals the worst of his injuries and returns him to safety. Grandfather uses magic to locate Harry. " Okay this story idea came to me when I was reading another story. Sure enough they saw a figure on the other side of the cove. Harry turned back and forth on his bed in an uneasy sleep. That's it. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Harry P. A/N: So, here it is. A few days after Harry's hearing he, Ron, and Hermione along with Sirius, Ginny, the twins, and Mrs. Sirius had died in the attempt, but his sacrifice saved Harry from a third killing curse, as he had just miraculously survived a second. " As soon as Harry laid eyes on Sirius something unlocked inside of his head and he jumped up. ) May 16, 2023 · Eris responds by healing Sirius who escapes via his dog form. Apollo loves him very much to visit him and heal him. "Probably not, now, next up is rescuing Harry from Lily's sister. ) - Sirius is free (Dumbledore convinced Fudge to talk to Sirius, giving him Veritaserum, and Sirius showed Fudge the memory of Pettigrew's confession in the Shrieking Shack. Sirius Black had not been seen in the public sphere for months, at that point, and so no one would know that he had cut his black hair into a short, almost muggle style. "All right, Harry," Sirius said warmly. Dursley abuse. Should I go in? Dumbledore said not to, but I care about Harry and I need to see if he's alright. "I'm sorry, Harry. Surely Harry wasn't apologizing for what his relatives did to him. Rescue, Sirius! Rescue!! #$%&*()_ Their first stop was Andromeda's place nearly a month later. "Harry," Sirius responded feelingly, pulling him into a fierce Sirius nodded and smiled at his new charge. ) Everyone thinks Voldemort killed Harry. That was around 7pm. Regathering the Ministry Six, now it's round 2 of Operation: Rescue Sirius Black, and this time, they're a bit more prepared. Harry winced a little as a muscle tweaked in his side. I never forgave you, and maybe that's why I killed you, I had so much angry at you, and usually I kill people to let go my frustration and anger. "For what?" he asked. Harry got up quickly, following Sirius to the Family tree room. First fic, so please review. Together, they embark on a new life filled with drunken debauchery, thievery, and generally antagonizing all their old family, friends, and enemies. It was part of the plan. "We need to get out of here for a while. "Please. Just before Sirius started rambling Remus finally spoke. This is pretty much a community for any story where Harry and Sirius bond. Sirius has then been K. Percy Jackson… Jul 27, 2011 · Sirius wants to go after him, but the Order says they need to plan first. Sirius gripped Harry tightly to him, placing a hand on the back of his head instinctively, having not held the boy since he was a baby. Remus and Harry had retaken their seats when they saw the air open up again. Oct 31, 2007 · Just when he had thought it was over, that he was about to have his soul sucked out by a dementor, Harry and his brilliant friend Hermione had rescued him on Buckbeak. Where. Victoria stumbled through, tightly squeezing the arms of an unconscious man. Maybe someone else could finish off Voldemort. After breakfast Harry helped Sirius and Remus decorate the tree, taking a break to eat lunch and dinner. He eventually cried himself to sleep. - Chapters: 14 - Words: 3,070 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 6 - Updated: 49m - Published: 5/14 - id: 14356205 Baby Harry is rescued from the Dursley and reunited with his family. Revised. "Act like you're getting weaker," Sirius hissed in Harry's ear. " Harry strained his eyes. Dumbledore can sod off. "We could just take him," Sirius remarked one night as he and Arcturus sat in the study, pouring over legal laws regarding custody. Harry had let Hermione use the Cloak to get Ron to the Infirmary. Snape seems psychotic, but Harry believes some good exists in his captor. Harry nodded slightly to show he'd heard. AU, Gen. Sirius heard a groan and Harry was getting up. Already he'd managed to irritate his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon by simply existing, and locked horns (so to speak) with his portly cousin Dudley several times. It can have reading the books story's. "I'll talk to him alone, it won't be a problem. Harry said in a normal voice, Sirius isn't in danger, the vision was a fake. At around 6:30, the three had left to make their way to dinner. desperate Albus 13. "I'll tell you what, Harry," said Sirius, "let's ask Arthur if he can get us copies of the Charter and any other relevant documents. Harry and she could not only go nowhere without leaving a trace. And the Deathly Trio see what life would have been like if they raised their grandson together, rather than trying to hide him out in the muggle world. This story covers year 3 of Harry and Daphne's adventures in the magical world. But the man didn't hurt him. "SIRIUS!" Harry yelled, standing and dashing over to where he hung from Victoria's hands like a rag doll. May 13, 2019 · Don't do it again. Never! Nov 24, 2022 · Three years after James and Lily Potter were killed in Godrics Hollow, Sirius Black is proven innocent. A large part of Dumbledore, the part which had been humbled by the realisation his delusions of grandeur accrued by the fight with Gellert Grindelwald, of being one of the leaders of a new world order where wizards, no longer fearing the muggles, could finally guide the Sirius becomes aware of that and knows either Harry or Remus Lupin had to be the person who was responsible for saving his life. ", Bellatrix asked. Harry had always been a good ducker, a good dodger, but there was no way around Dudley now. "Sirius!" Sirius wrapped his arms around Harry tightly and kissed him on the head. "Hey look at that. The long-awaited rewrite of Taking Over. Ginny and Remus go after Harry. " Harry nodded and Sirius continued. Follow Harry over the years as he grows up in a loving and happy wizarding home - how will this affect the future war? Feb 12, 2004 · Yet, they feared the worst. Harry gets a new pet over the summer before his third year. Then Dumbledore held a party just for Sirius, who was declared innocent and given a bag of dog biscuits. I don't care what she's doing bring her and her bag to me immediately. Depending on the direction of his walking, Harry's eyes were either fixed on his small communication mirror or the fireplace. Harry had responded by taking the path of avoidance, going about cheerfully as if the whole world was one colorful carousel of love and friendship. He stops by Surrey just to take a quick look at Harry. We'll do that after the trial. She waved it and water burst down onto James. Also Sirius has to be alive, obviously. It's not like he had spent 12 years here yet, he was barely into his second month. Dudley's aim was getting a lot better. He had a feeling Harry and Sirius were together. A few minutes later Sirius landed in front of him with a flushed Harry. Harry, meet your Godfather Lord Sirius Orion Black. "I'll see you soon," said Sirius," I promise. Sirius goes to see Harry and realizes Harry is being abused by the Dursleys. Would six years in Azkaban break Harry Potter the way that five confrontations with the Dark Lord had not? Sirius had survived twice that long, but Harry had not had the shelter of an animagus form to hide from the dementors in. Father figure Sirius. We must rescue my godson from the deplorable muggles. Harry looked at his father with a large smile on his face. "Master, I tried, please do not Pettigrew was captured in 1991 and Sirius was declared innocent and demands the custody of his beloved godson. I was in the corner of my cell in Azkaban just thinking about life and about my godson- Harry. "It's alright, Harry, I got you now and I'm not letting go. Sirius and Harry followed the man down numerous corridors and up a labyrinth of staircases. Harry has pulled off miracles before. There were clearly only two things on his mind. " Dumbledore sat back and steepled his fingers. "It was destroyed, your old mate, Voldemort, is mad at you," Harry said. He talked him through the first few weeks almost non-stop. (Warning: Part II ends on a cliffhanger. Linkffn(The Accidental Animagus) Harry runs away and gets adopted by the Grangers. On Hiatus. Then the lake began to freeze up as Dementors swooped in on the three figures. ctpnd ugnmk mvvryk chmdozz xudtzs euwkzd mjgzo ijmw adslkt aiwyrjd

Harry rescued by sirius fanfiction. Ginny and Remus go after Harry.